Sustainable and impactful procurements

Keskuskirjasto Oodin lippa
Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo

Nearly half of the income of Palvelukeskus Helsinki consists of various procurements, the annual value of which can exceed EUR 45 million. The tendering, procurements and contract management of Palvelukeskus Helsinki are implemented, maintained and developed by Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s procurement and tendering team. We also participate in the city’s joint procurements. Our stakeholder cooperation includes the city’s internal networks as well as non-city operators.

Our operations are based on Directive 2014/24/EU and the Finnish Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts (1397/2016), EU and national procurement guidance, as well as the guidelines and policies of the City of Helsinki and Palvelukeskus Helsinki. The most important of these documents are described below.

Palvelukeskus Helsinki has worked persistently on sustainable procurement. This timeline presents the key milestones of our efforts:

  • 2019: Food transport services reach the final in the ‘Vuoden taidokkain hankinta’ competition

    Food transport services put out to tender by Helsinki reached the final in the ‘Vuoden taidokkain hankinta’ (Best Procurement of the Year) procurement competition. The competition is organised by the Public Procurement Advisory Unit of the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. The competitive logistics of food services, including home meal transports, daycare and school meal transports and food transports between units, which were put out to tender in 2018, received praise for their positive environmental and cost impacts, in particular.

  • 2019: Criteria database adopted for sustainable procurement

    Palvelukeskus Helsinki has at its disposal a comprehensive database of procurement sustainability criteria, including criteria that promote ecological and social as well as financial sustainability in procurement. We are constantly updating the database as we adopt new criteria.

  • 2020: Milk and meat procurement included in the Canemure sub-project

    Procurement preparation mapped out and developed procurement criteria that reduce the impact on the climate and environment, and investigated possibilities for using carbon footprint calculation in competitive tendering and during the contract period.

  • 2020: Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s sustainability, quality and environment team and procurement and tendering team start regular cooperation meetings

  • 2020: Form for preliminary determination of sustainability completed

    The preliminary determination form helps us ensure that the preparation of the coming procurement takes into account not only the special characteristics of the procurement, but also its sustainability aspects. We use the tool to carry out a systematic analysis of the realisation of ecological, social and financial sustainability in procurement. In addition to sustainability perspectives, we also assess the innovation potential of the procurement as well as key contractual factors. The determination work always involves at least experts familiar with the substance of the procurement, Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s sustainability experts and procurement experts.

  • 2021: Strategic themes drawn up for Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s procurements

    The procurement strategy themes are based on the National Public Procurement Strategy and the City of Helsinki’s procurement strategy. Our procurement strategy themes are impact, sustainability (including financial), functioning markets and knowledge management. We promote the procurement strategy themes through 14 concrete objectives with measures and indicators.

  • 2021: Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s Code of Conduct published

  • 2022: Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s first procurement barometer published

    The procurement and tendering team developed a procurement barometer survey to determine the opinions of economic operators on the procurement activities of Palvelukeskus Helsinki. The respondents represented tenderers, our contract suppliers and other persons who had studied invitations to tender. We use the responses to the procurement barometer to develop and guide our procurement activities in the right direction. The questions in the procurement barometer support the procurement strategy themes and objectives of Palvelukeskus Helsinki.

Code of conduct

We drew up a Code of Conduct for our contract suppliers in 2021.