Healthy staff and inclusiveness

As an employer, we strive to ensure equal treatment of people of all genders, to promote the substantial equality of workers belonging to underrepresented groups and minorities and to prevent of discrimination in the workplace.

The City of Helsinki’s equality and non-discrimination plan for personnel (2022−2025) (available only in Finnish) guides our work on promoting equality in working life.

Based on the City’s plan and in accordance with the guidelines, Palvelukeskus Helsinki has drawn up its own, more detailed implementation plan (available only in Finnish) for the years 2022–2025 to promote equality among personnel.

In the coming years, our development work will focus in particular on

  1. development of diverse recruitment and induction,
  2. promotion of equal wages, remuneration and careers,
  3. development of inclusive and equal management and supervisory work, and
  4. increasing knowledge and awareness of equality issues.

The sustainability programme of Palvelukeskus Helsinki (2022–2024) also includes measures to promote equality and diversity among personnel, such as

  • visibility of diversity and different identities in all communications concerning staff and services,
  • adjusting job titles to be gender neutral,
  • piloting of positive discrimination in recruitment,
  • better ability to find employment and work in English,
  • promoting diversity and non-discrimination of personnel by increasing anonymous recruitment,
  • developing knowledge and skills in work communities by participating in the city’s existing and new training courses on equality,
  • coaching for inclusive management, and
  • providing recruitment personnel training in thought biases and anonymous recruitment.

The implementation of the plans is monitored regularly at Palvelukeskus Helsinki, and measures are actively communicated to the personnel as well as in external communications.

Equality plan for personnel

Palvelukeskus Helsinki has more detailed implementation plan for the years 2022–2025 to promote equality among personnel, which was prepared on the basis of the city’s equality plan and in accordance with its guidelines.